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上海晟光科技有限公司www.sheng-guang.comLED Optic Classic RangeOptimised for Luxeon LED'sRange of output anglesAvailable with holderLens Quality Polycarbonate●Thermally stableThe Classic range of LED Optics are designed for usewith the Luxeon family of High Brightness LED's.The?19.7±0.1optics can be used with all colour,wattage andpackage types.Versions are available to produce a variety of beamshapes without compromising efficiency.There iscurrently Narrow,Medium and Wide circular and62±0.1184±0.1The optics are made from Lens Quality Polycarbonate;SECTIONX-Xthey exhibit high thermal stability and long termdurability.上海晟光科技有限公司Typical Applications:-●FloodlightingAlso available are a range ofhigh quality Holders designed●Domestic Lightingspecifically for the Optics.●Signals/BeaconsFor the full range refer to the●Wall wash lightingseperate data sheet.上海晟光科技有限公司www.sheng-guang.comCircular NarrowLux at 3mRangeBeam OpticPart No.10003?14Typical half angle divergence60+/10 when used with 1WWhite Luxeon LED0上海晟光科技有限公司Circular MediumLux at 3mBeam OpticRangePart No.10003/150.3Typical half angle divergence150+/20 when used with 1WWhite Luxeon LEDCircular Wide0Lux at 3mRangeBeam OpticPart No.10003/25Typical half angle divergence250+/_3 when used with 1WWhite Luxeon LEDLux at 3mRangeTypical half angle divergence 25x6+30Elliptical (Line)when used with 1W White Luxeon LEDBeam OpticPart No.10003/L25Notes:Measurements have been made with a 1W Luxeon Lambertian LED.The measured efficiency for all optics is approx 85%.上海晟光科技有限公司www.sheng-guang.com4 LED OpticIf your application requires a narrower beam angle than usualbut you still require a compact,inexpensive solution thenchoose the 4 Optic from Carclo.This optic has been optimisedto give a bright,sharply defined spot of light.The optics canSECT ION X-Xbe used with all Luxeon colour,wattage and package types.Optimised for Luxeon LED'sTwo versions are currently available,one that produces acircular 4 beam and the other that gives a4x 25 ellipsoidal●4 Beam angle(HWHP)beam.The optics are made from Lens Quality Polycarbonate;Available with holderthey exhibit high thermal stability and long term durability.Lens Quality PolycarbonateLenses can be supplied seperately or with holders.For the fullrange of holders refer to table below.●Thermally stable上海晟光科技有限公司40 Optic HolderHolder fits neatly onto a Luxeon'E'See tableSee tableStar Board ensuring that the lensis centred and held at theoptimum focal distance.Available3.30.2in Black or White colours for 1,3or 5 Watt Luxeons.@Part No.DescriptionColourDim'n'D'Dim'n 'E'10064.For 1 Watt LuxeonBlack17.15mm22.7mm10065For 1 Watt LuxeonWhite17.15mm22.7mm10076For 3 and 5 Watt LuxeonBlack16.15mm21.7mm10077For 3 and 5 Watt LuxeonWhite16.15mm21.7mm
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