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Subject 8750July31,2008SUMMARY OF TOPICSThe following is being proposed for preliminary review and comment only:1.For Preliminary Review Only:Proposed First Edition of the Standard for Light EmittingDiode (LED)Light Sources for Use in Lighting Products,UL 8750COMMENTS DUE:September 17,2008This proposal is for review and comment only (no ballot at this time).Please note that comments on apreliminary review document will not receive a response from the proposal author through CSDS.Instead,the proposal author will be asked to review the comments and adjust the proposals and/orsupporting rationale as the author determines to be appropriate.The preliminary review process is aninformal mechanism that provides authors with the opportunity to refine their proposals before theyadvance to the next stage in UL's standards development process.In some cases,the author of the proposals may choose to discontinue them.In this case,the authorneed not do anything after preliminary review has ended.Normally,the next step in the process is themore formal STP ballot and stakeholder review process.Only comments posted during the STP ballotand stakeholder review process will be provided with a response in CSDS.For your convenience in review,proposed additions to existing requirements are shown underlined andproposed deletions are shown lined-eut.1.For Preliminary Review Only:Proposed First Edition of the Standard for Light Emitting Diode(LED)Light Sources for Use in Lighting Products,UL 8750RATIONALEProposal submitted by:Ken Kempel,ULUL has determined that there is sufficient need and interest for developing a first edition of the Standardfor Light Emitting Diode(LED)Light Sources for Use in Lighting Products,UL 8750.The proposedstandard is based on UL's currently published third issue of the Outline of Investigation for LightEmitting Diode(LED)Light Sources for Use in Lighting Products,Subject 8750.SUBJECT 8750JULY31,2008CONTENTSINTRODUCTION1 Scope2 General.2.1 Components2.2 Units of measurement2.3 Reference publications73 Definitions4 General10CONSTRUCTION5 Environmental Considerations106 Mechanical Construction............................................................6.2 Metal enclosures116.3 Polymeric materials for enclosures and electrical insulation.....................126.4 Barriers36.5 Conductor protection1416.6.1 General ...146.6.2 Flexible cord156.6.3 Lead wires6.7 Potting compound57 Electrical Construction........7.1 General ....157.2 Accessibility of hazardous live parts67.3 Hazardous live parts other than exposed wiring terminals......................167.4 Exposed wiring terminals7.5 Internal wiring177.6 Supply and load connections7.6.1 General ...187.6.2 Input and output wiring187.6.3 Screw type terminals197.6.4 Push-in type terminals197.6.5 Output connectors207.7 Separation of circuits207.8 Insulating materials.207.9 Printed wiring boards217.10 Spacing of electrical parts227.11 Circuit components............257.12 Protective devices257.13 Across the line components7.14 Determination of Class 2 or LPS28 LED Power Source...·8.1 General ....78.2 Power source enclosure288.3 Power supplies8.3.1 General8.3.2 Plug and cord connected29SUBJECT 8750JULY31,20088.3.3 Permanently wired8.4 Transformers309 LED Arrays,LED Modules,and Control Modules309.1 General309.2 Enclosures319.3 Enclosure openings.32PERFORMANCE10 Performance Tests210.1 General ....3210.2 Input test...3210.3 LED module normal operations temperature test3310.4 Dielectric voltage withstand test3311 Abnormal Conditions Tests3411.1 General ...3411.2 Unreliable component abnormal test3511.3 50-W point power measurement test35MARKINGS12 Markings...3612.1 General3612.2 Required markingsAPPENDIX AStandards for Components.A40
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