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January 31,2007SUBJECT 8750OUTLINE OF INVESTIGATIONFORLIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED)LIGHT SOURCES FOR USE IN LIGHTINGPRODUCTSIssue Number:1JANUARY 31,2007Summary of TopicsThis is the first issue of the Outline of Investigation for Light EmittingDiode (LED)Light Sources For Use In Lighting Products.The outlinecovers the component parts of a light emitting diode (LED)light sourcesuch as LED modules,LED Arrays,power sources and control circuitry.Itcovers LED light sources that are produced by the end use productmanufacturer,and that are an integral part of the end use product,ordiscrete component parts of an LED light source produced by onemanufacturer for use in another manufacturer's lighting productThe UL Foreword is no longer located within the UL Outline of Investigation.Forinformation concerning the use and application of the requirements contained inthis Outline of Investigation,the current version of the UL Foreword is located onULStandardsInfoNet at:http://ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com/ulforeword.htmlThe text included in paragraphs 3.14.1,3.14.2,and 3.14.2,and Tables 3.1 and3.2 are based on material in Information Technology Equipment-Safety-Part1:General Requirements,IEC 60950-1,First edition copyright 1999-01.Thismaterial is used in this Standard with the consent of the IEC and the AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI).The IEC copyrighted material has beenreproduced with permission from ANSI.ANSI should be contacted regarding thereproduction of any portion of the IEC material.Copies of the IEC Publication60950-1 may be purchased from ANSI,11 West 42nd Street,New York,NewYok,10036,(212)642-4900.COPYRIGHT 2007 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.SUBJECT 8750JANUARY 31,2007No Text on This Page文精研社文庫JANUARY 31,2007SUBJECT 8750CONTENTSINTRODUCTION1 Scope2 General.…62.1 Components2.2 Units of measurement...........................................................62.3 Reference publications13 Defi nitions...........4 General Requirements And Use Of This Outline of Investigation...........................11CONSTRUCTION5 Environmental Considerations.126 Mechanical Construction..............................................................136.1 General6.2 Metal enclosures.136.3 Polymeric materials for enclosures and electrical insulation..............146.4 Bamiers.156.5Conductor protection...........................................................166.6 Strain relief ..........................167 Electrical Construction7.1 General.177.2 Accessibility of hazardous live parts.177.3 Hazardous live parts other than exposed wiring terminals..........................187.4 Exposed wiring terminals........187.5 Internal wiring................................................................197.6 Supply and load connections7.7 Separation of circuits227.8 Insulating materials27.9 Printed wiring boards237.10 Spacing of electrical parts247.11 Circuit components267.12 Protective devices278 LED Power Source2288.2 Power source enclosure.......................................................28.3 Power supplies.308.4 Transformers319 LED and Control Modules319.1 General…319.2 Enclosures319.3 Enclosure openings........39.4 Conditions of use for component LED and control circuit modules..................
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